Harassment Prevention

In the #MeToo era, most understand the importance of having sexual harassment and toxic workplace prevention policies.

But many still struggle with how to make them work. Because you cannot have policies alone. Or even policies + training.

You need a complete prevention system. One that matches your values and transforms your culture. One that brings your policies to life.

Our prevention system, Amplify.AllVoices, eliminates the most common reasons prevention efforts fail, by:

  • Encouraging reporting
  • Reducing retaliation fears
  • Committing to accountability
  • Complying with federal, state and local law

Let’s Talk About Preventing Harassment


Amplify.AllVoices Puts It All Together:

Amplify.AllVoices takes everything you need: policies, trainings, reporting systems, investigations, and accountability, and puts them together in a seamlessly integrated system.

The centerpiece is the reporting platform web app, a tool developed by our partner AllVoices.

Amplify.AllVoices reporting webapp

Independent Reporting and Investigation Services

You can have absolutely perfect policies and training, but if no one feels comfortable in reporting misconduct, you aren’t going to be successful at deterring and preventing harassment. Your employees won’t trust that it’s safe to report.

And if your employees do report misconduct to you, how will you ensure that your investigation will be timely, confidential, and free from retaliation?

That’s why Amplify.AllVoices features independent, third-party reporting and investigation services that remove the possibility of retaliation and bias from the process.

To encourage anonymous and confidential reporting,  I use the All Voices customized reporting web app that makes it easy to share information and discern trends without disclosing the identity of the individuals who report. I work with those who report to determine what their optimal outcome is, and what options they have available to achieve it.

My unique approach to reporting and investigations ensure that employees who report know about their options and don’t face retaliation. You’re not in the middle wondering which employee to trust or worrying about whether your process is biased.

Until we remove harassment reporting and investigations from HR or outside counsel, your process will always be suspect. Let’s fix that together!


Policy Analysis

Don’t already have a policy or are concerned it doesn’t go far enough?

I can help with that! Amplify.AllVoices integrates your policy with the reporting and investigation system, so we’ll make sure they work together seamlessly.

Whether it’s redrafting an existing policy, or starting from scratch, I’ll hone in on what your workplace needs and help you create a policy to match. I read about this stuff every day and stay on top of the latest developments, so don’t reinvent the wheel or grab the first one you find. And I’m begging you: stop using the old, tired policy you’ve had stuck in a handbook somewhere since the mid-nineties.

Together, we’ll make sure you have all the latest tools in place to fight harassment and create a great work environment — not a hostile one.



Need effective harassment and toxic workplace prevention trainings that include the latest approaches and comply with your state law?

Training included with Amplify.AllVoices includes strategies recommended by the EEOC and customized for each client to comply with the applicable requirements in your state.

My trainings (virtual for now, until we can meet in person again) cover:

  • an extensive analysis of current federal, state and local law where the training takes place
  • real talk about the specific risks in your workplace
  • realistic scenarios reflecting your unique needs
  • plenty of time for questions and analysis, so everyone feels empowered to tackle problematic behavior when they see it.

Using Amplify.AllVoices ensures your community is equipped to respond to toxic behavior. So everyone knows how to stop harassment in its tracks–or report when it continues.

Ready to get started?

I offer free 30-minute consultations, so use my calendar link to select a convenient time.

Let’s Talk About Preventing Harassment


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